The Pomodoro Technique

I had a session with the mental health occupational therapist at my local GP surgery recently (over the phone of course!) She gave me the website for a technique that can be used to help improve focus and concentration on tasks that you need to get done. It is called the Pomodoro Technique. This website [...]


Anger is an emotion I try to avoid. With an eating disorder, we often try to avoid a lot of uncomfortable emotions and a lot of recovery involves feeling our emotions again. But I still avoid anger. I try to be calm, level-headed, and cool. I keep things to myself and try to push any [...]

We survived

I don't want to do a review of the last year. It's been tough in so many ways for everyone and I am just thankful that we have managed to get through it. At the end of 2020, we can be glad that we survived. It doesn't matter if you didn't utilise the 'extra' time [...]

An Experience of Isolating

I want to go outside but at the same time I am terrified of going outside. I want to go out for a walk to be in nature and to see the lake, the birds, the trees, the scenery and wildlife. I want to feel the wind on my face; to be wrapped up warm against the [...]

Repost -Hamilton Quotes to Get You Through Tough Moments

This is a post that I saw on The Mighty website ( which I found really useful so I thought I would share it here. The world right now seems uncertain, even while we try to grab onto hope that we will push through this difficult time and move forward with our lives. This is [...]

Some Things I’ve Learnt

I spent a lot of time during the government lockdown to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus isolating myself from other people. Some of that was on purpose and some of it was accidental. Although I am an introvert and enjoy being alone and doing things by myself, I do need to spend time with [...]

I miss …

It isn't the material things that I miss. Cinema trips, theatre trips, meals out, getting drinks from cafes, going to charity shops to scout out new books to read, spending time browsing in shops, going to the library ... I do enjoy those things but I don't really miss them. No, It's deeper things that [...]

Rex Factor – A Podcast

I have recently started to listen to a new podcast called Rex Factor which I am really enjoying. It is a chronological historical podcast, reviewing the kings and queens of England from Alfred the Great up to Elizabeth II. The start of the podcast explores the life and a bit of the times of a [...]

And then I don’t

I want to do this And then I don't. I want to eat, to recover, to get my life back And then I don't. I want to stop being self-destructive, stop hurting myself And then I don't.   My brain is in turmoil I just wish it would settle down And I could stick with [...]