An Experience of Isolating

I want to go outside but at the same time I am terrified of going outside. I want to go out for a walk to be in nature and to see the lake, the birds, the trees, the scenery and wildlife. I want to feel the wind on my face; to be wrapped up warm against the [...]


I think I've written about this before. And recently I've seen quite a few posts about quasi-recovery on Instagram which have rung a little too true. Many of you probably want to know what quasi recovery is. Basically, it is where you are in recovery but still engaging in some eating disorder behaviours. For example, [...]

The Samaritans

Many of us know the story of the Good Samaritan in the Bible. It is one of the parables that is often taught to children in religious education classes and in Sunday school groups. Many of us also know about the Samaritans service which is there to provide emotional support to people who are struggling [...]

The Paralysed Man

The sermon the other Sunday at church was, well, relatable to say the least. The bible passage was John 5:1-15 which tells the story of the paralysed man who has been lying by the pool where the waters can bring healing for thirty-eight years. On the surface, this is a story of healing, yet when [...]