“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will" This quote has really been resonating with me recently and I wondered if you'd ever thought about this. Fear, anxiety and doubt stop us from doing so many things. We question if we can do it, what people would think of us, whether it is the right [...]


I think I've written about this before. And recently I've seen quite a few posts about quasi-recovery on Instagram which have rung a little too true. Many of you probably want to know what quasi recovery is. Basically, it is where you are in recovery but still engaging in some eating disorder behaviours. For example, [...]

Rewiring Analogies

If you go for a walk in the countryside, you often have to cross fields. Sometimes there will be corn fields. These fields will have been crossed by many other people. Over time, a path will be worn into the field where it is easier to get across. It is likely that you will follow [...]

2019 Reflections

At the start of 2019, I was contemplating a relapse. I was thinking I could change my diet and revert to following Rexi’s rules. Now, at the end of 2019, I am still getting thoughts about relapse but I am more certain that I won’t want to act on it. I don’t want to go [...]

The woman I am becoming

In 2010, I began to struggle with some aspects of my mental health. It is now almost 2020 and I’m only just beginning to feel like I’m actually making real progress, like I’m emerging out of my shell. There are so many aspects of myself which I don’t recognise. There are so many things I [...]