The Greatest Thing in the World by Henry Drummond

I was lent this book by a friend after he read one of my blog posts about faith as he thought I might find it interesting and useful. The main focus of the first part of the book is that God is love and we should love others if we wish to be like God. [...]

We survived

I don't want to do a review of the last year. It's been tough in so many ways for everyone and I am just thankful that we have managed to get through it. At the end of 2020, we can be glad that we survived. It doesn't matter if you didn't utilise the 'extra' time [...]

“Sometimes, when you’re in a dark place you think you’ve been buried, but you’ve actually been planted”

"Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried but actually you have been planted" This quote often sticks with me and reminds me that, when times seem particularly tough and challenging, better things may be coming I don't usually believe it but once I'm on the other side I can see [...]

Crisis: Mental Health Service

I saw the Crisis team for one and a half months in the later part of 2020. I wanted to share my experience with them because it was quite mixed. My GP referred me to the local Crisis service and I was given an assessment for the next day. The assessment was a little scary [...]

December Update

The end of 2020 has been tough for me; tougher than a lot of 2020 has been. I've been relapsing with anorexia and struggling with a lot of suicidal thoughts and feelings. A month and a half with the Crisis team, an assessment for a counselling service who refused to take me on and an [...]

Jane the Virgin (Netflix)

Jane the Virgin is a series on Netflix about a young Venezuelan-American woman who is accidentally artificially inseminated and becomes pregnant and the journey this takes her, and her family, on. Jane is hard-working and religious; she has vowed to save her virginity until marriage and is a virgin at the start of the show [...]

An Experience of Isolating

I want to go outside but at the same time I am terrified of going outside. I want to go out for a walk to be in nature and to see the lake, the birds, the trees, the scenery and wildlife. I want to feel the wind on my face; to be wrapped up warm against the [...]

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will”

"Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will" This quote has really been resonating with me recently and I wondered if you'd ever thought about this. Fear, anxiety and doubt stop us from doing so many things. We question if we can do it, what people would think of us, whether it is the right [...]

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (Netflix)

A few of my friends had watched the Crazy Ex-Girlfriend drama series on Netflix so I decided that I would give it a try when I wanted something new and not too complex (!) to watch. I actually enjoyed the series more than I was expecting. I think this was partly due to the musical [...]

Family in recovery

Some of us have families who are supportive of our recovery and educate themselves to help us. Some of us have families who were a big factor in the development of our eating disorder and do not seem to be helping us. And some of us have families who want to help but don’t know [...]